Monday, December 3, 2007

Article : Making the Most Out of Your Home Equity Line of Credit

By Articles
Nov 12, 2005, 20:06

Making the Most Out of Your Home Equity Line of Credit

Not all of us are full owners of our dwelling places. With the high cost of living these days coupled with the rising financial demands necessitated by our existence in this day and age, people have deemed it more appropriate and practical to pay for a house in installments. Some even resort to home mortgage loans to borrow the payment for the house, in which case, the creditor would get to keep to the deed to the said house as security while the mortgagee would pay for what he has borrowed in accordance with a similar installment plan he has arranged with the mortgagor.

Under these arrangements, what option is available for the house �owner� if he has to acquire another loan and he has no other property to use as collateral? Is he at a dead end? Should he just wait until full ownership of the house is transferred under his name before he could pursue other credit options?

Not necessarily. There�s always what many people call as home equity line of credit.

What Is Equity?

Before we could discuss what a home equity line of credit is, a thorough knowledge of the term �equity� is needed. Equity is quite simply the rights you have over a property that has gradually accumulated and accrued to you.

For example, the house you�ve been paying for every month, the arrangement of which calls for full payment to be completed in equal installments for 100 months. Supposing you have spent 50 months in paying for the house, this would mean that you already have a 50% equity on the same. Though you cannot alienate this equity ever so freely, there are some instances that are allowable by law where you could use it for some beneficial ends. A home equity line of credit is one of them.

What Is A Home Equity Line Of Credit?

A home equity line of credit is an open-ended credit line. It�s like an account from which you could borrow some loans from time to time. You would have to pay for whatever you would borrow, of course, with corresponding interests of course, but having a dedicated credit line would make those financially trying times easier to bear.

A home equity line of credit, by its very name, uses whatever equity you have over a house that have accumulated throughout the years as security for whatever amount you would have to borrow.

It is important to note that most home equity lines of credit are second loans. They are applied for during the subsistence of a home mortgage loan. Most people who avail of home equity lines of credit actually use the same to pay off the home mortgage loan, because the former is more beneficial in quite a number of regards which we will discuss in the next paragraph.

What Are The Benefits Of A Home Equity Line Of Credit?

A home equity line of credit is preferred by most people considering that it is less onerous for their running budget. Let�s take a look at two essential advantages that separate a home equity line of credit from other financial options available in the market.

1. A home equity line of credit imposes one of the lowest interest loans that can be found anywhere; and

2. The interests demanded by a home equity line of credit are usually tax-deductible in most states.

These outstanding benefits make a home equity line of credit a more lucrative and practical option. As we have discussed above, you could simply pay of the home mortgage loan with this kind of credit, and you will have to pay what you have borrowed with substantially lower interest rates. Doing the math, it would immediately become apparent that you will be able to save more for your other financial obligations if you engage yourself with a home equity line of credit.

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